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Stærsta sundbíó í sögu RIFF

RIFF made a huge splash with its largest swim-in cinema ever which was held In celebration of the 20th anniversary of RIFF (Reykjavik International Film Festival)


THeir sem thordu gatu svamlad um a uppblasnu tigrisdyri
Those that dared could ride the tiger.

The event took place on the 25th of August in Laugardalslaug, the largest pool in Reykjavík and we had one of the best days of the summer as the sun shone throughout the day with little to no wind. The

THad var thettsetid i batunum
The boats were tightly packed throughout the day

Music to set the tone

Guests were invited to join for a unique, one-night-only swimming pool cinema event, where the Oscar award-winning film Life of Pi directed by Ang Lee was shown on a huge screen right by the pool.

The atmosphere during the event was buzzing but to start things local artists Teitur Magnússon, Dísa Jakobs, and Björgvin Gíslason held a concert where Björgvin played the Indian instrument, Sitar. They played an assortment of songs from Teitur and also improvised songs.

Hljomsveit kvoldsins spiladi seidandi tona Medlimir hennar eru Asgeir Einarsson Disa Jakobs Bjorgvin Gislason og Teitur Magnusson

Gitargodsognin Bjorgvin Gislason lek a hid indverska hljodfaeri Sitar
The Icelandic guitar legend Björgvin Gíslason played the Sitar

Something for everyone

Guests were offered to stroll around the area and dip into the hot tubs or pool that had been fitted with rowboats to set the mood for the evening’s film which takes place mostly on a life raft with a live tiger inside!

Food trucks were stationed around the area and the RIFF shop offered the obligatory sodas and popcorn.

Ad sjalfssogdu var poppvel a stadnum
Of course there was popcorn.
Bodid var upp a fisk og franskar med myndinni
For those looking for something a bit more substantial there was fried fish and chips

The evenings announcer was RIFF’s Villi Neto who is also the official face of the festival.

Kynnir kvoldsins var Villi Neto
Villi Neto the official face of RIFF
Sumir foru fullklaeddir i batana
Some even went fully clothed into the boats
Folk komst vel inn i myndina med thvi ad sitja i batunum en meirihluti en hennar gerist einmitt i arabat uti a rumsjo
The event became even more magical when the sun went down
Stuka Laugardalslaugarinnar var opnud a ny og skreytt med netum ur Hampidjunni
The swimming pools grand stand was opened to the public for the first time in a long while