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Recently, a cooperation agreement was signed to the effect that the hotel company Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya will be one of the main sponsors of RIFF, but the festival will be held for the twentieth time on September 28th and will last until October 8th. RIFF was recently chosen as one of the twenty most important festivals in the world according to the magazine Moviemaker, but every year hundreds of foreign guests attend the festival from all over the world, but RIFF is one of the most visited festivals in the country.

This time the main partners within the company will be, the Iceland Parliament hotel at Austurvöll, and within the Berjaya Iceland Hotels chain; Reykjavík Natura and Reykjavík Marina at the old harbor in Reykjavík, where Slippbíó and Slippbar are located. In recent years, the hotel company has supported RIFF in a handsome way and will continue to do so this year.

"We have had a successful partnership with RIFF over the years and we believe it is important to contribute when it comes to international events in Icelandic society," says Arndís Anna Reynisdóttir, director of sales and marketing at Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya. "It both strengthens the cultural life of Icelanders and makes Iceland a stronger destination for tourists," she says.

"Cooperation with these high-quality and popular hotels significantly strengthens RIFF's position," says Hrönn Marinósdóttir, director of RIFF. "We at RIFF are extremely grateful and consider it a great honour that our many foreign guests who come here to promote their films or participate in the RIFF Industry Days stay in high-quality hotels such as the Iceland Parliament Hotel and the Reykjavík Marina, and Slippbarinn will be one of the main gathering places of the festival," she concludes.


Based on social responsibility


Samstarfið er liður í stefnu Iceland Hotel Collection um samfélagslega ábyrgð þar sem stutt er við

Hrönn Marinósdóttir, stjórnandi RIFF og Arndís Anna Reynisdóttir, forstöðumaður sölu- og markaðssviðs Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya
Hrönn Marinósdóttir, stjórnandi RIFF og Arndís Anna Reynisdóttir, forstöðumaður sölu- og markaðssviðs Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya

menningartengda viðburði sem beint og óbeint stuðla að kynningu á áfangastaðnum Íslandi og menningu landsins.

RIFF's goal is to promote independent filmmaking, but RIFF is an equally important platform for Icelandic filmmakers to present their work to the rest of the world. A number of foreign journalists and business people attend the festival every year.

RIFF's main partners within the Iceland Hotel Collection are the Iceland Parliament hotel at Austurvöllur as well as two hotels within the Berjaya Iceland Hotels chain, Reykjavík Natura and Reykjavík Marina, without forgetting Slippbarinn, which will also be a venue for the film festival.
