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Honoured guests at RIFF 2023

"RIFF 2023 presents Isabelle Huppert, Vicky Krieps, and Luca Guadagnino."


Heimsfrægar kvikmyndastjörnur munu sækja Ísland heim í tilefni af Alþjóðlegri kvikmyndahátíð í Reykjavík sem fer fram þann 28. september til 08. Október nk. Þeirra á meðal eru stórleikkonurnar Isabelle Huppert  sem hlotið hefur fjöldamörg verðlaun fyrir frammistöðu sína and Vicky Krieps sem hlaut m.a. evrópsku kvikmyndaverðlaunin í fyrra sem veitt voru í Hörpu fyrir hlutverk  sitt í Corsage (2022). Þá mun kvikmyndaleikstjórinn Luca Guadagnino einnig koma hingað til lands en mynd hans Call Me By Your Name frá 2017 naut mikillar hylli  um allan heim.

Iceland's President, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, will present them with honorary awards on behalf of RIFF for their outstanding artistic contributions and their contributions to filmmaking."

France is in the spotlight at RIFF this year, and it's especially exciting that the legend Isabelle Huppert will be among the guests. She is a major star in French cinema with a career spanning over 50 years. Vicky Krieps is also well-known for her roles in films like 'Old' by M. Night Shyamalan and 'Phantom Thread' by Paul Thomas Anderson. She received the Best Actress award at the 35th European Film Awards held in Reykjavik in December for her portrayal of Empress Elisabeth of Austria in 'Corsage' (2022) by Marie Kreutzer. Most people recognize Luca Guadagnino as the director of the film 'Call Me By Your Name,' released in 2017, which won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. The movie is based on the novel by André Aciman, which shares the same name and was published in 2007.

It is with great pride that RIFF 2023 announces the first honorary guests of the festival:




Isabelle Huppert

Isabelle Anne Madeleine Huppert, born in 1953, is a superstar in French cinema with a career that spans up to 150 roles in films and television.

Ferill Huppert er stjörnum prýddur af viðurkenningum sem endurspegla einstaka hæfileika hennar. Árið 1978 færði frammistaða hennar í myndinni The Lacemaker (1977) Huppert's career is adorned with recognitions that reflect her exceptional talents. In 1978, her performance in the film "The Lacemaker" (1977) earned her the BAFTA award for Most Promising Newcomer, and her success continued with two awards for Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival for "Violette Nozière" (1978) and "The Piano Teacher" (2001), which are perhaps her most well-known roles. Huppert received international acclaim for her performance in "Elle" (2016), which earned her both a Golden Globe award and an Academy Award nomination. BAFTA-verðlaunin sem efnilegasti nýliðinn og sigurganga hennar hélt áfram með tvennum verðlaunum sem besta leikkona á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Cannes fyrir Violette Nozière (1978) and The Piano Teacher (2001) en það er eflaust hennar þekktasta hlutverk. Huppert hlaut alþjóðlega lof fyrir frammistöðu sína í Elle (2016), sem færði henni bæði Golden Globe verðlaun og Óskarsverð

Til marks um varanleg áhrif hennar, útnefndi New York Times Isabelle Huppert næstbesta leikara 21. aldarinnar og á 72. kvikmyndahátíðinni í Berlín árið 2022 var hún sæmd heiðursgullbjörninum sem vitnisburð um ævilanga hollustu hennar við leiklistina. To underscore her enduring influence, The New York Times named Isabelle Huppert the second-best actor of the 21st century, and at the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival in 2022, she was awarded the Honorary Golden Bear as a testament to her lifelong dedication to the craft. With a name etched in the annals of film history, we are excited to honor Isabelle Huppert, her legacy, and her boundless wellspring of talent at RIFF 2023.

Trailer: Elle (2016)
Trailer: The Piano Teacher (2001)  Will be shown at RIFF 23
Trailer: Mrs Hyde (2018) Will be shown at RIFF 23



Vicky Krieps

Í desember síðastliðnum var Vicky Krieps (f. 1983) heiðruð sem besta leikkonan á 35. Evrópsku kvikmyndaverðlaununum sem haldin voru í Reykjavík fyrir túlkun sína á Elísabetu Austurríkiskeisaraynju í Corsage In December of last year, Vicky Krieps (born in 1983) was honored as the Best Actress at the 35th European Film Awards, which were held in Reykjavik, for her portrayal of Empress Elisabeth of Austria in "Corsage" (2022) by Marie Kreutzer. It is therefore particularly delightful to welcome her to RIFF 2023 and to present her with an honorary award for her outstanding artistic contributions.

Ferill Krieps blómstraði um miðjan síðasta áratug þegar hún hreppti hvert hlutverkið á fætur öðru í ýmsum stórum kvikmyndaverkefnum. Hún sýndi hæfileika sína í The Young Karl Marx (2017) and Gutland (2019), en það var mögnuð frammistaða hennar í Óskarsverðlaunamyndinni Krieps' career blossomed in the middle of the last decade when she tackled each role with finesse in various major film projects. She showcased her talents in "The Young Karl Marx" (2017) and "Gutland" (2019), but it was her remarkable performance in the Oscar-nominated film "Phantom Thread" (2017) by Paul Thomas Anderson that catapulted her to stardom. eftir Paul Thomas Anderson sem skaut henni upp á stjörnuhimininn.

Her captivating presence on the silver screen was notably seen in "Bergman Island" (2021) and "More Than Ever" (2022), the penultimate film of Gaspard Ulliel. In her latest work, she delved back into her German roots, taking on the title role of Ingeborg Bachmann in "Journey into the Desert" (2023), directed by the legendary German filmmaker Margarethe von Trotta.

With her exceptional performances and innate ability to interpret diverse characters, Vicky Krieps has rightfully earned her place as an honorary guest at RIFF 2023.

Trailer: Corsage (2022) Will be shown at RIFF 23
Trailer: Phantom Thread (2017) Will be shown at RIFF 23
Trailer: Bergman Islands (2021)



Luca Guadagnino

Luca Guadagnino (f. 1971) er ítalskur kvikmyndagerðarmaður best þekktur fyrir einlægar, hjartnæmar og listrænar kvikmyndir. Guadagnino sló fyrst í gegn með rómantísku dramamyndini Luca Guadagnino, born in 1971, is an Italian filmmaker best known for his sincere, heartfelt, and artistic films. Guadagnino first gained recognition with the romantic drama "I Am Love" (2009), starring Tilda Swinton in the lead role, which received a total of 14 major film awards. This marked the beginning of their successful collaboration, which continued with acclaimed films such as "A Bigger Splash" (2015) and a remake of Dario Argento's "Suspiria" (2018)., með Tildu Swinton í aðalhlutverki, sem hlaut alls 14 stór kvikmyndaverðlaun. Þetta markaði upphafið að farsælu samstarfi þeirra tveggja, sem hélt áfram með margrómuðum myndum eins og A Bigger Splash (2015) og endurgerð á Suspiria eftir Dario Argento (2018).

Eitt af frægustu verkum Guadagnino er rómantíska klassíkin Call Me By Your Name (2017), sem hlaut Óskarsverðlaunin 2018 fyrir besta aðlagaða handritið. Kvikmyndin gegndi lykilhlutverki í að skjóta aðalleikaranum Timothée Chalamet upp á stjörnuhimininn, og hélt samstarf þeirra Guadagnino áfram í nýjustu mynd hans, One of Guadagnino's most celebreted works is the coming of age romance "Call Me By Your Name" (2017), which won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay in 2018. The film played a pivotal role in launching actor Timothée Chalamet to stardom, and their collaboration continued with Guadagnino's latest film, "Bones and All" (2022). Guadagnino continues to deliver captivating cinematic narratives to audiences, and his upcoming film, "Challengers," starring Zendaya, will premiere next year. In the meantime, he is putting the finishing touches on "Queer," featuring Daniel Craig, set in Italy. Guadagnino heldur áfram að færa áhorfendum hrífandi kvikmyndafrásagnir en nýjasta mynd hans, Challengers með Zendaya í aðalhlutverki, verður frumsýnd á næsta ári. Í millitíðinni er hann að leggja lokahönd á Queer, með Daniel Craig, á Ítalíu.

Luca Guadagnino's contributions to the world of filmmaking make him a noteworthy honorary guest and an emerging master at RIFF this year.

Trailer: Call Me By Your Name (2017) Will be shown at RIFF 23
Trailer: I Am Love (2009)  Will be shown at RIFF 23
Trailer: Bones and All (2022)


Honorary guests of past years

RIFF has had the honor of welcoming a remarkable array of guests over the years, connecting culture and filmmaking. Some examples of the distinguished individuals who have previously graced RIFF with their presence include:

Rossy de Palma, Alexandre O. Phillipe, Albert Serra, Joachim Trier, Trine Dyrholm, Debbie Harry, John Hawkes, Mads Mikkelsen, Shailene Woodley, Werner Herzog, Darren Aronofsky, Chloe Sevigny and Lone Scherfig.
