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„Natatorium“ keppir á SMART7

Kvikmynd Helenu Stefánsdóttur „Natatorium“ verður framlag RIFF í alþjóðlegri keppni SMART7 samstarfsnetsins. SMART7 samanstendur af 7 evrópskum kvikmyndahátíðum en framlag okkar keppir við sex aðrar kvikmyndir frá Portúgal, Lithaén, Rúmeníu, Póllandi, Spáni og Grikklandi..

International Competition. Established in 2023, Smart7 ignites cinematic magic by uniting seven prestigious film festivals across Europe, including the renowned Reykjavik International Film Festival (RIFF). This dynamic collaboration, fueled by Creative Europe – MEDIA, transcends borders to celebrate diverse storytelling and cultural exchange, elevating emerging filmmakers onto the global stage.

Fierce Competition, Boundless Talent

„Natatorium“ var frumsýnd á Alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíðinni í Rotterdam, IFFR, í febrúar 2024 og er einskonar listræn og lágstemmd hryllingsmynd. Kvikmyndin hefur hlotið fádæma góðar viðtökur meðal gagnrýnenda og almennings. Sagan tekst á við dekkri hliðar mannlegrar tilveru þegar unglingsstúlkan Lilja þarf að horfast í augu við hryllileg fjölskylduleyndarmál í heimsókn til ömmu sinnar og afa.

Mark your calendars for RIFF's 2024 festival edition from September 26th to October 6th, where 'Natatorium' and its fellow contenders will light up the silver screen. Helena Stefánsdóttir's success at Smart7 not only shines a spotlight on Iceland's flourishing film industry but also underscores the global impact of Icelandic storytelling.

Don't miss out on this cinematic journey of a lifetime – immerse yourself in 'Natatorium' and witness the magic of Icelandic cinema taking the world by storm. Get tickets to RIFF 2024 here.
