Do not miss out on Industry Days 2023! Take note of October 3-7, 2023, when professionals from the film industry worldwide come together for creative discussions and idea generation.
The main objective of Industry Days is to draw attention to the achievements in Icelandic filmmaking, build bridges between countries, and share ideas and projects.
Industry Days at RIFF 2023
The main objective of Industry Days is to draw attention to the achievements in Icelandic filmmaking, build bridges between countries, and share ideas and projects.
During our program, a group of film industry professionals gather to share their experiences. The event also aims to create a new space for idea development and to promote the distribution and presentation of the Icelandic film industry. This year we have a French focus in the festival that will be reflected both in our program and amazing festival- and honorary guests.
Industry Days at RIFF encourage meetings, discussions, and dialogue that support the establishment of solid ground for people’s creative ideas.
We celebrate all aspects of film production through events such as an extensive Work in Progress event where the cream of the crops of upcoming cinema from Iceland,
Faroe Islands and Greenland, will be introduced and RIFF Talks, where both young and more seasoned professionals talk about their experiences in the style of the Ted talks, as well as industry, trips, receptions and ceremonies .
The program also entails an extensive series of panels and masterclasses with a focus on the most pressing matters in the field and society at large, will bring together professionals from the film industry to exchange ideas and stimulate discussion. Our panels this year will tap on subjects such as Icelandic Film Music, Diversity and representation, animation The masterclasses will include different professionals and honorary guests.
We will also create a platform for producers to introduce themselves and have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other producers and establish co-productions.
All of these activities are driven by the love for films and connecting filmmakers.
Attend the main events of Industry Days, such as masterclasses, panel discussions, RIFF talks, the opening ceremony of Industry days and more. More information and registration for a BASIC pass can be found here.
INDUSTRY FULL: ISK 17,990. (ISK 14,990 for registered film students)
Pass to the main events of Bransadagi such as master’s talks, panel discussions, RIFF talks, opening ceremony of Bransadagi PLUS a full pass to all films in the general program of RIFF which takes place on September 28. to Oct. 8 More information and registration for a FULL pass can be found here.
Access to all the events of Bransadagi such as master’s talks, panel discussions, RIFF talks, the opening ceremony of Bransadagi, a special studio visit, a day trip to Reykjanes with festival guests, closed events and dinner with the Director of the Film Center. PLUS a full festival pass to all films in RIFF’s general program. PLUS also includes a 30-minute slot to show a short film or work in progress in the SHORT PUFFIN CORNER at SLIPPBÍO. More information and registration for a PLUS pass can be found here.
Do you have a film or a rough cut you want to screen for a selected audience to get feedback or find collaborators/distributors/festivals? In the spirit of The Short Film Corner in Cannes FIlm festival RIFF 2023 introduces the SHORT PUFFIN CORNER. Book your 30 minute slot for screening your film at SLIPPBÍÓ, a cozy 25 seat cinema room in Hotel Marina. Please contact after your accreditation has been finalised and paid for, to book a slot at Slippbio during industry days. Note that slots fill on a first come first serve basis. Click here and submit you project.
Pictures from Industry Days 2022
Industry days Sponsors 2023

Older brochures
Check out our exciting program of senior panel discussions, RIFF lectures and other events that took place during the Reykjavík International Film Festival’s Business Days.
You can view older brochures of Bransadaga and other brochures from RIFF.