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Alþjóðleg kvikmyndahátíð í Reykjavík (RIFF) er stærsta kvikmyndahátíð landsins sem haldin verður í 22. sinn frá 25. september til 5. október 2025. Á RIFF hvert ár eru sýndar um 80 kvikmyndir í fullri lengd og fjöldi stuttmynda hvaðanæva að úr heiminum, Upplifðu kvikmyndatöfra á hvíta tjaldinu á RIFF.  Á RIFF 2025 er eitthvað fyrir alla: Kynntu þér UngRIFF þar sem boðið er upp á skólasýningar, fjölskyldumyndir og hagnýtar vinnustofur; Taktu þátt í Bransadögum þar sem Ísland er kynnt sem kvikmyndaland og rætt er um málefni sem varða bransann; og ekki missa af Talent Lab, þar sem framúrskarandi kvikmyndagerðarmenn læra af reynsluboltum í faginu. RIFF er jafnframt þekkt fyrir sérviðburði sem koma á óvart, s.s. sjónræna matarupplifun, sundbíó, hellabíó og tónleika, sem gera hátíðina ógleymanlega.  Miðasala á stakar sýningar hefst í september en unnt er að tryggja sér passa og klippikort hér á síðunni. Framundan eru spennandi 11 kvikmyndadagar með nýjum og framúrskarandi myndum og ógleymanlegum sérviðburðum.
Markmið okkar eru að breyta kvikmyndamenningunni með því að sýna framúrskarandi kvikmyndir sem kæmu annars ekki til landsins, efla umræðu og kvikmyndalæsi, knýja fram samfélagslegar umbætur með mætti kvikmynda og kynna kvikmyndalandið Ísland.


"There’s nothing like being surrounded by the talent and creativity at RIFF. I left with such a sense of inspiration, and just energized to return in the future. From the energy of the crowds, to the dinners and events, to the vast and wonderful films being screened, RIFF gave me an experience far beyond your ordinary film festival. I left inspired and enthusiastic for what is to come, and cannot wait to return. RIFF is a place that actually cares about its filmmakers. They understand that making movies is about so much more than just screening films - it is community, exchange of ideas, and providing the atmosphere for creativity. Simply put: I left inspired and cannot wait to come back."
Jonas Åkerlund
"RIFF occupies a permanent place in the cultural life of the nation and is one of the manifestations of the great power that resides in film culture in Iceland. The world of film is international and diverse, as RIFF so well highlights."
Lilja D. Alfreðsdóttir
Minister of culture and business affairs
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"There’s nothing like being surrounded by the talent and creativity at RIFF. I left with such a sense of inspiration, and just energized to return in the future. From the energy of the crowds, to the dinners and events, to the vast and wonderful films being screened, RIFF gave me an experience far beyond your ordinary film festival. I left inspired and enthusiastic for what is to come, and cannot wait to return. RIFF is a place that actually cares about its filmmakers. They understand that making movies is about so much more than just screening films - it is community, exchange of ideas, and providing the atmosphere for creativity. Simply put: I left inspired and cannot wait to come back."
Jonas Åkerlund
"RIFF occupies a permanent place in the cultural life of the nation and is one of the manifestations of the great power that resides in film culture in Iceland. The world of film is international and diverse, as RIFF so well highlights."
Lilja D. Alfreðsdóttir
Minister of culture and business affairs
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