

The One Minutes stofnunin framleiðir og dreifir mínútumyndum út frá listrænu sjónarmiði og býður upp á alþjóðlegan vettvang til að skapa og tengjast. Á tveggja mánaða fresti kemur út ný sería á þeirra vegum. 

Taktu þátt á theoneminutes.org 

CARNIVAL Mémoire semi-perméable, Cyrielle Raingou and Felix Klee, 2022 (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation) (1)

Carnival of the Ancestors
(Curated by Ghetto Biennale)

(Curated by BUTT Magazine)

(Curated by Seda Yıldırım)

TEN BUFFALO 20230218_Kuskfursti_Pick up_2017_Iceland (1)

Ten Buffalo
(Curated by Nhà Sàn Collective)

WE NEED NEW SUPERSTARS video still Desire, Sara Louise van Ketel, 2024, Netherlands (© the artist, courtesy by The One Minutes Foundation) (1)

We Need New Superstars
(Curated by No Limits! Art Castle)