Puffin Perks

We are delighted to announce our Puffin Perks!!

What is a Puffin Perk?
Puffin Perks are special offers we’ve negotiated with our festival partners for all our RIFFers to enjoy during the festival!

How to enjoy it?
Select an offer that interests you and show proof that you are attending a RIFF event or film screening to our festival partner at their establishment and enjoy your Puffin Perk!

Northern Lights & Whales Watching Tours

Discount for RIFF guests

Northern Lights Tours: 15% Discount

Whales Watching Tours: 20% Discount

Visit the website for more information: www.specialtours.is

Sónó matseljur - 15% Discount

Discount for RIFFers (applies during the festival)

Visit the website for more information: www.sonomatseljur.is

Brewdog - 20% Discount

Discount on hamburger for RIFF guests (does no apply to take-away)

Visit the website for more information: www.brewdog.is

Whales of Iceland - 2 for 1

Discount for RIFF Guests

Visit the website for more information: www.whalesoficeland.is

Reykjavík Röst - 15% Discount

Discount for RIFF guests

Visit the website for more information: www.reykjavikrost.is