Projects & education
RIFF's educational and entertainment program is very diverse and appeals to people of all ages. The organizers are aware of the importance of children and young people being introduced to filmmaking and film literacy in an educational and fun way. The courses that are available give a good insight into the world of films and spark the participants' interest in film production and filmmaking. RIFF's equality policy is held in high regard in the entire program of the festival, and emphasis is placed on all genders being given space for their voices to be heard.

A quality program for the younger generation introduces them the art of cinema and gives them the opportunity to see movies from all over the world, them free of charge. These are short films suitable for all age groups for themselves, children and teenagers from 4 to 16 years old. Teacher support material is included to discuss with students and use in teaching.

RIFF for the furture
RIFF for the Future is a three-day workshop for young people from the Nordic countries. During the course, the participants have the opportunity to reflect on the opportunities for young filmmakers in the era of new media and global warming. Using filmmaking, new media and the power of storytelling, participants can develop their own voices.

Reykjavik Talent lab
RIFF Student TV has captured the spirit of the festival for the past few years by acting as an online TV channel for the festival. Filmmaking students from Borgarholt School and Fjölbrautarkólinn í Ármúla, under the guidance of experts in their field, have gone to the studios and filmed special events, master talks, parties and question and answer events.

Girls film!
Girls Film! is a week-long course where girls learn the basics of filmmaking. Due to a combination of factors, girls are less likely to try their hand at filmmaking and make their voices heard. The course aims to correct this gender gap by offering a space where girls are encouraged to make films.

RIFF Cinema Bus
RIFF's cinema bus travels around the country with screenings in connection with RIFF's Children's Program. Emphasis is placed on stopping in towns and holding shows for children of all ages where there is no cinema. The cinema car then holds drive-in cinemas in the evenings, thus giving people all over the country the opportunity to see international films in a different environment.

RIFF Student TV
RIFF Stúdenta TV hefur fangað anda hátíðarinnar undanfarin ár með því að starfa sem netsjónvarp á hátíðinni. Nemendur í kvikmyndagerð frá Borgarholtsskóla og Fjölbrautaskólanum í Ármúla, undir leiðsögn sérfræðinga á sínu sviði hafa farið á stúfana og tekið upp sérviðburði, meistaraspjöll, veislur og spurt og svarað-viðburði.

Hreyfimyndasmiðja RIFF
RIFF hefur haldið hreyfimyndasmiðju fyrir yngstu kynslóðina í gegnum árin. Börnunum er kennt að búa til sínar eigin hreyfimyndir með hjálp hreyfimynda tækninnar.

Stuttmyndasmiðja RIFF
Vinnustofan er ætluð börnum og unglingum (10 - 15 ára) og kennurum sem sækja fyrirlestra um handritaskrif, leikstjórn og klippingu. Þetta er 4 daga smiðja sem kennir grunnatriðin í gerð stuttmynda.

Sumarbúðir RIFF
Sumarbúðir RIFF er vettvangur þar sem kvikmyndagerðafólk fær tækifæri á að bæta færni sína í þróun handrita. Þar er beint sjónum á leiðsögn og kennslu í handritsgerð og verkefnaþróun.